No. KEP-152/BC/2003





In view of:


To stipulate:



Article 1

Hereinafter referred to as:


Part One
Export Notification (PEB)

Article 2

(1) Export goods which are to be exported shall be notified by the exporter/proxy using PEB submitted by means of the electronic media.

(2) The PEB as meant in paragraph (1) also functions as a request for a physical inspection of goods.

(3) The exporter/proxy shall fill the PEB in a complete and correct way and be held responsible for the truth of its contents.

(4) Where PEB for export goods subject to export tax (PE) is concerned, the payment of PE can be made through a Foreign Exchange Bank or Customs Office where PEB is registered based on the exchange rate prevailing at the time when PEB is paid as well as the tariff and export benchmark prevailing at the time when PEB is regis-tered.

Part Two
Registration of PEB

Article 3

(1) The exporter/proxy shall register PEB to the Loading Office

(2) The Loading Office which has applied a PDE system shall register the PEB using the PDE system.

(3) The Loading Office which has not applied a PDE system shall register PEB using a diskette.

(4) In case PEB uses a diskette, PEB shall be registered at the Loading Office or other Customs Office appointed to serve PEB KITE.

(5) The exporter/proxy shall register PEB to the Loading Office in no more than 1 (one) day before a request for physical inspection of goods notified in the PKB is made according to the specimen BCF.3.10. in Attachment VIII to this Decision of the Director General.

(6) Export goods which are to be exported through PT Post Indonesia shall be registered to the Customs office at the Customs Passage Post Office where the export goods.00 are to be shipped.


Part One
Document Examination

Article 4

(1) Any PEB: shall be subject to document examination to see if:

(2) The supplementary customs documents as meant in paragraph (1), letter c, shall be in the form of invoice and packing list.

(3) Other supplementary customs documents required as meant in paragraph (1), letter c, shall cover payment slip (STBS), certificate of acknowledgement as registered exporter, export approval from the Ministry of Industry and Trade, quality certificate, quality statement, export permit (SIE), certificate of the validity of forest products (SKSHH) and/or other special permits issued by relevant agencies.

Article 5

(1) In case the result of document examination shows that the PEB has been filled in a complete and correct way, the PEB shall be given registry number and date.

(2) In case the result of document examination shows that the PEB has been filled in a complete and correct way however, other supplementary customs documents required as meant in article 4, paragraph (3) are still needed:

(3) In case the result of document examination shows that the PEB is not filled in a complete and/or correct way, the PEB shall be returned to the exporter/proxy by providing a note of rejection (NPP) according to the format BCF 3.04 in Attachment VIII to this Decision of the Director General.

(4) After the PEB has been given registry number and date, the following documents shall be issued:

(5) The export approval as meant in paragraph (4), letter a shall accord with the format BCF 3.01 in Attachment VIII to this Decision of the Director General and be made in triplicate:

(6) The PPB as meant in paragraph (4), letters b and c shall accord with the format BCF 3.02 in Attachment VIII to this Decision of the Director General.

(7) The procedures for registering PEB and examining documents are contained in Attachment I to this Decision of the Director General.

Part Two
Physical Inspection of Goods

Article 6

(1) Export goods shall be subject to physical inspection by the Loading Office or the Inspection Office.

(2) The physical inspection of goods as meant in paragraph (1) can be conducted at the exporter's warehouse or other place appointed by the exporter.

(3) The physical inspection of goods can be conducted in a customs area after approval from the Head of the Loading Office has been secured.

(4) The approval as meant in paragraph (3) can be given by the Head of the Loading Office only after the operator of TPS provides a place for the physical inspection of goods in the customs area.

(5) Export approval of export goods subject to physical inspection shall be issued by the Loading Office or the, Inspection Office.

Article 7

(1) The physical inspection of goods shall be conducted based on PEB, supplementary customs documents and PPB.

(2) The physical inspection of goods shall cover:

Article 8

(1) The physical inspection of goods shall cover a maximum of 10% (ten percent) of goods or a maximum of 2 (two) containers of goods.

(2) The physical inspection of goods as meant in paragraph (1) can be conducted in stages according to the quantity of export goods made ready for inspection and the exporter/proxy shall inform the quantity of export goods to the inspector before the inspection is conducted.

(3) In case the physical inspection of goods is conducted in stages as meant in paragraph (2), the inspector shall put the result of the physical inspection in the PEB after the quantity of export goods accords with that notified in the PEB.

(4) Certain export goods may be subject to a laboratory inspection.

(5) In case the laboratory inspection as meant in paragraph (4) is conducted, the inspector shall put the result of the physical inspection in the PEB without having to wait for the result of the laboratory inspection, except if:

(6) Export approval of export goods that have been subjected to physical Inspection shall be signed by the inspector.

(7) The inspector shall put TPPBC on any container of export goods that have been inspected.

(8) The procedures for conducting customs inspection of export goods shall be contained in Attachment II to this Decision of the Director General.

Article 9

(1) Stuffing inspector shall inspect export goods that have been subjected to physical inspection after the physical Inspection of goods has been completed.

(2) The stuffing inspection shall be done:

(3) Any container of goods whose stuffing inspection has been completed shall be sealed.

(4) The stuffing inspector shall put the number of container; type and number of seal as well as sealing date on the PF f3 arid sign export approval.

Article 10

(1) Certain exporters may he excepted from provisions in article 6, paragraph (1).

(2) The exception as meant in paragraph (1) does not apply in case:

(3) The exporters as meant in paragraph (1) shall be determined by the Director of Verification and Audit base, on a management risk analysis by taking into account their reputation, namely:

Article 11

(1) The export goods that have secured Export Approval and are subjected to NHI shall undergo physical inspection and repeat physical inspection.

(2) The physical inspection as meant in paragraph (1) car be conducted outside a customs area or inside a customs area, provided the export goods have been take into the customs area.

(3) In case the physical inspection as meant in paragraph (1) is conducted in a customs area, the Official shall inform the relevant exporter/proxy of the physical inspection in no more than 4 (four) hours before the physical inspection is conducted.

(4) In case the result of the physical inspection as meant in paragraph (1) shows irregularities in PEB with regard to the quantity and/or type of goods, the exporter shall be subjected to administrative sanction pursuant to article 82, paragraph (6) of Law No. 10/1995.


Article 12

(1) The consolidation of export goods from several exporters shall be done by a consolidator that has already secured a permit as a consolidator of export goods from the overseeing Customs Office.

(2) The consolidator may have the status as PPJK or non-PPJK.

(3) The consolidator shall inform the exporters of consolidated export goods by means of a notification on the consolidation of export goods (PKBE) according to the format BCF 3.03 in Attachment VIII to this Decision of me Director General.

(4) Exporters or exporters belonging to the same company group can consolidate their export goods on their own, on the stipulation that

Article 13

(1) The stuffing of consolidated export goods shall be supervised in case:

(2) In case consolidated export goods are subjected to stuffing inspection as meant in paragraph (1), the consolidator or exporter shall apply to the Official of the Cus-toms Office for stuffing inspection in no more than 2,1 (twenty four) hours before the stuffing is made.

(3) The export goods that are to be stuffed shall be equipped with PEB that has been given registry number and export approval.

Article 14

(1) Any consolidator shall:

(2) The procedure for consolidating export goods shall follow provisions in Attachment III to this Decision of the Director General.


Article 15

(1) The entry of export goods into a customs area shall be made using:

(2) In case PEB is registered to the Customs Office where physical inspection is conducted, the entry of export goods into a customs area in the Loading Office shall use export approval and a copy of PEB.

(3) The export approval as meant in paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) shall serve as a document for the entry of export goods into a customs area after being signed by:

(4) The operator of TPS shall inform the Loading Office of the entry and hoarding of the export goods.

(5) The procedure for the entry of export goods into a customs area shall follow provisions in Attachment IV to this Decision of the Director General.


Part One
The Loading of Export Goods

Article 16

(1) The loading of export goods onto transport means shall made after securing export approval, on the stipulation that

(2) The third sheet of export approval shall be submitted by the exporter to the carrier to notify that the loading of export goods onto transport means has been approved by the Official of the Loading Office.

Part Two
The Transport of Export goods

Article 17

(1) The carrier whose transport means leaves a customs area shall notify the export goods transported including those transported further or those transported forward using an outward manifest, to the Official in charge of manifests in the Loading Office in no more than 3 (three) working days after the departure of the transport means.

(2) The export goods that are transported further and/or transported forward to outside customs area shall be notified by the carrier to the Official in charge of manifest in the Customs Office which serves as a transit point using a notification list of export goods (DPBE).

(3) The transport of export goods from one place to another within a customs area via a place outside the customs area shall be notified by the carrier using a notification on the transport of goods of customs area origin from one place to another via a place outside the customs area (BC. 1.3), to the Official in charge of manifests before the transport means leaves the loading place.

(4) The Official of the Loading Office who receives an outward manifest shall reconcile data in the PEB with those in the outward manifest received from the carrier and convey data in the PEB that cannot be reconciled with, those in the outward manifest to the Head of the Office and the Official in charge of investigation.

(5) In case PEB is registered to the Customs Office where physical inspection of goods is conducted, the Office of the Loading Office shall convey data in or a copy of outward manifest of the export goods to the Customs Office where PEB is registered to reconcile them with the PEB.

(6) The carrier who fails to meet provisions in paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) shall be liable to fines pursuant to article 11, paragraph (3) of Law No. 10/1999.


Article 18

(1) Any company that obtains KITE can export its goods by combining them with other goods, either those that arc granted KITE or those that are not granted KITE, at the request of a foreign buyer, by means of a sales pc chase agreement with a domestic company.

(2) Any company that obtains KITE and plans to send its goods for the purpose of combining them with other goods into joint export goods shall notify arid register the goods to be sent to the receiving company, to the Customs Office close to the location of the goods using SSTB according to the formal BCP.3.09 in the attachment to this Decision of the Director General.

(3) SSTB shall be made in quadruplicate:

(4) The procedure for sending goods for combining there with other goods for the purpose of export shall follow provisions in Attachment V to this Decision of the Director General.

Article 19

(1) The export as meant in Article 18, paragraph (1) can be made by combining goods produced by the following companies:

(2) The joint export goods as meant in paragraph (1) shall be notified in 1 (one) PEB as export goods, on the stipulation that the PEB shall contain data concerning:

(3) Based on the PEB as meant in paragraph (2; the Loading Office shall issue LHP for each of the companies obtaining KITE whose products are used for exporting the joint export goods.


Article 20

(1) Any exporter can export raw materials that have been imported by enjoying Import Duty, Value Added Tax (PPN) and Sales Tax on Luxury Goods (PPnBM) exemp-tions, without further processing, in case the goods do not match the order.

(2) The export as meant in paragraph (1) shall be made by using PEB granted KITE and issuing LHP.

(3) The export approval as meant in paragraph (1) shall be given by the Head of the Loading Office after the exporter has filed an application containing reasons for the export of the raw materials by providing the following information:

(4) The application as meant in paragraph (3) shall be accompanied with import documents in the form of a copy of PI8 validated by the Official, invoice, packing list and statement of the receipt of guaranty (STTJ) as well as other evidences, including a letter of order cancellation from the buyer of finished goods abroad and sales contract.

(5) The approval as meant in paragraph (3) shall be given in case:

(6) In case the name and address of the recipient/buyer in the PEB are not the same as the name, address and supplying country in the PIB at the time of importing the goods, or the goods are re-exported in excess of 12 (twelve.) months, the PEB shall be returned to the exporter/proxy along with NPP.

(7) The export goods shall be subjected to physical inspection.

(8) The physical inspection shall be conducted based on the PEB, supplementary customs documents, PPB, PIB and supplementary customs documents of the relevant PIB.

(9) In case the physical inspection shows that the export goods are different from those notified in the PEB, the inspector shall make a note of correction (NP) according to the format BCF 3.07. in Attachment VIII to this Decision of the Director General.

(10) The export goods as meant in paragraph (9) cannot be treated as goods granted KITE and that LHP is not issued to the relevant export goods.


Part One
Cancellation of PEB

Article 21

(1) In case the export of goods is canceled, the exporter shall apply for a cancellation of PEB to the Customs Office where the PEB is registered in no more than 3 (three) working days after the departure of the transport means contained in the PEB.

(2) The exporter who fails to report the cancellation of export or reports it after the period of time as meant in paragraph {1} has passed shall be liable to fines pursuant to article 10, paragraph (5) of Law No. 10/1995.

(3) In case the export goods whose export is canceled have already entered a customs area, the application for the cancellation of PEB shall be accompanied with export approval signed by the Outside Officer at the entrance of the customs area.

{4) The release of the export goods as meant in paragraph (3) from the customs area shall use a letter of approval for the release of export goods (SPKBE) according to the format BCF.3.06. in Attachment VIII to this Decision of the Director General.

(5) In case the export goods consist of one container that has already entered a customs area and the contained is later damaged so that it must be replaced:

Part Two
Correction/Alteration of Data in PEB

Article 22

In case PEB is registered using a PDE system and diskette, correction/alteration of data in the PEB that has been given registry number and data shall be notified by the exporter to the Loading Office or the Customs Office where the PEB is registered using a corrected PEB.

Article 23

(1) In case the export goods are not subjected to physical inspection, correction/alteration of data in PEB concerning the type and quantity of goods and/or alteration of technical specifications of goods shall be made as follows:

(2) The export goods as meant in paragraph (1), letter c may be subjected to physical inspection.

Article 24

In case the export goods undergo physical inspection, correction/alteration 3 of data in the PEB concerning the type and quantity of goods and/or alteration of technical specifications of goods shall be made as follows:

Article 25

(1) Correction/alteration of data in the PEB concerning FOB value shall be notified to the Official of the Loading Office before the export goods are loaded onto transport means.

(2) Correction/alteration of data in the PEB concerning the way of transporting goods and/or port of loading shall be notified to the Official of the Loading Office before the export goods enter the customs area.

(3) In case the export goods as meant in paragraph (2) have already entered the Customs area, the removal of export goods from the customs area in the initial port of loading to the customs area in the actual port of loading shall be made as follows:

Article 26

(1) Correction/alteration of data in PEB as a result of:

(2) Correction/alteration of data in PEB merely as a result of administrative errors shall be submitted in no more than 1 (one) month after the registration date of PEB.

Article 27

(1) Correction/alteration of data in PEB regarding a change in containers of export goods, so long as the quantity and type of goods remain unchanged, shall be made as follows:

(2) The Official or Inspector shall give export approval to the addition of containers as meant in paragraph (1).

(3) In case the number of containers of export goods entering a customs area is more than 1 (one) and later part of the containers is damaged so that they must be replaced:

(4) The release of the export goods as meant in paragraph (3) shall be made using SPKBE, on the stipulation that:

(5) The procedure for correcting/altering and canceling PEB shall follow provisions in Attachment VI to this Decision of the Director General.


Part One
Submission of LHP

Article 28

(1) The Official of the Customs Office where PEB is registered shall issue LHP to export goods granted KITF

(2) A report on the result of customs inspection in LHP shall cover:

(3) The Official of the Customs Office where PEB is registered shall hand over LHP to the exporter/proxy in no more than 3 (three) working days after the exporter submits document on the realization of goods covering:

(4) The exporter shall submit documents on the realization of export as meant in paragraph (3) to the Official of the Customs Office where PEB is registered to issue LHP in no more than 2 (two) months after the registration date of PEB.

(5) In case a PDE system is used, LHP can be issued without handing over the document as meant in paragraph (3) if the result of reconciliation between PEB and out-ward manifest shows that the export of goods has been made.

(6) LHP shall be made in duplicate:

(7) The LHP as meant in paragraph (1) shall follow the format BCF 3.08 in Attachment VIII to this Decision of the Director General.

(8) The procedure for submitting LHP shall follow provisions in Attachment VII to this Decision of the Director General.

Part Two
Correction of LHP

Article 29

(1) The LHP that has been issued can be corrected by the Official of the issuing Customs Office where PEB is registered.

(2) Correction of LHP can be made in case of correction/alteration of data in PEB or due to administrative errors after the LHP has been issued.


Article 30

(1) The Customs Office where PEB is registered shall send data in PEB and LHP to:

(2) The Directorate of Customs and Excise Information shall stipulate procedures for accessing data in PEB by electronic means by Bank Indonesia and the Central Bureau of Statistics.

(3) The Directorate of Customs and Excise Information shall stipulate procedures for sending data in PEB and LHP.


Article 31

(1) The Customs Office shall provide services for 24 (twenty-four) hours a day for:

(2) The Head of the Customs Office shall regulate the placement of officers providing the services as meant in paragraph (1).


Article 32

In case the computer in the Customs office applying a PDE system is out of order, the registration of PEB shall be made using diskettes.

Article 33

All PEB that are filed by means of a PDE system shall be served under an agreement between the exporter/proxy and the Head of the Regional Office contained a note of agreement on the use of PDE system.

Article 34

(1) In case PEB are filed using a PDE system, the signature of the official of the Customs Office where PEB is registered on the export approval and LHP, and the official stamp on the column H in the PEB, shall be replaced with the printout of the name and civil servant's registry number of the Official on the document.

(2) The printout of export approval, LHP and PEB as meant in paragraph (1) shall be treated as legal documents.

Article 35

Every exporter shall keep data in PEB in the electronic media and/or PEB printout that has been given registered number and date as well as in the original sheet of supplementary customs document as meant in Article 4 a period of 10 (ten) years in his/her business site in Indonesia.

Article 36

(1) If need be, the Head of the Regional Office can stipulate further technical guidelines, provided they do not contradict this Decision of the Director General.

(2) The existing technical guidelines for the export of goods granted KITE, which contradict this Decision of the Director General, shall be declared null and void.


Article 37

At the time when this Decision of the Director General to take effect, Decisions of the Director General No. KEP-45/BC/2000 and No. KEP-47/BC/2001 shall be declared null and void.

Article 38

This Decision of the Director General shall begin to take effect on October 1, 2003.

For public cognizance, this Decision of the Director General shall be publicized by placing it in the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia.

Stipulated in Jakarta
on July 28, 2003

No. KEP-152/BC/2003